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Posted on October 12th 2023
HAP Students Perform for Thousands at Excel Centre
Our students have performed in some amazing venues in recent years, but to see them take centre stage with other Harris students in the newly formed Harris Federation Concert Orchestra at the Harris October Conference was extraordinary.
Our students played the saxophone, violins, and drums/percussion in front of nearly 4,500 Federation staff from across London and Essex. This included Baroness Barron MBE, a member of the House of Lords and Department for Education's Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for School System and Student Finance.
Our Principal, Claudette Bergin said: "Our musicians continue to show extraordinary talent and ambition when it comes to their musical performances. Our music department, in conjunction with the Federation music consultants and MISST programme, provide exceptional musical instruction which sees our students provided opportunities many may not otherwise receive. Seeing our students perform in front of thousands of Harris Federation staff, and a Baroness, was truly inspiring. We congratulate our students for showing how phenomenal they are and Peckham, too."
See below some photos and videos of our students performing at the Harris October Conference 2023 at the Excel Centre.