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Our Year 8 students were thrilled to take part in an exciting UK Space Agency workshop, on space exploration and the wonders of the universe, hosted by Harris Academy Peckham


Exciting news! Our Principal and 4 of our students were featured on Sky News, engaging in a thoughtful discussion on whether mobile phones should be banned in schools


Exciting news! Our Principal and 4 of our students were featured on Sky News, engaging in a thoughtful discussion on whether mobile phones be banned in schools


We're heading to the South London Jobs Fair this Wednesday! If you're looking for your next opportunity in education, come and meet the Harris Federation team, we'd love to chat about the roles available across our academies.#HarrisFederation


A huge thank you to the incredible companies from healthcare, construction, architecture, insurance and beyond that joined us for our Careers Fair.


What a fantastic turnout at our careers fair! Your insights and opportunities inspired so many future professionals!


Brilliant photos! It was a pleasure to have you.


Thank you so much!


We are recruiting for an experienced Administrator to join our regional ITE team! If you are an administration expert with an interest in teaching, we want to hear from you. ⌚ 26 March 2025 📍 Within commuting distance of our campus in Peckham, London. 💰 £33,291 per annum,…


Year 5 students from visited the HAP library for a fun-filled World Book Day celebration, featuring a challenging treasure hunt, a book raffle, and delicious snacks. A huge thank you to our student librarians who participated in making it such a success!


🚀 We were thrilled to welcome the UK Space Agency to Harris Academy Peckham! 🌌 Students had an out-of-this-world experience, learning about space exploration and the wonders of the universe. ✨


🚨 New Opportunity! Harris Institute is launching a Level 5 Specialist Teaching Assistant Apprenticeship! 🎯 Open to experienced TAs in primary & secondary academies. Starts July 2025. Fully funded (£12K) + HLTA accreditation! 👉 Register here:


Our children had the best time! Thank you all for making Science exciting.


Year 4 & 5 students from local primary schools are zooming into Harris Academy Peckham for a thrilling STEM go-karting activity as part of British Science Week!


Absolutely amazing that our Jazz Band, Take 5, came 2nd in the Battle of the Bands competition. Phenomenal ensemble playing and solos from all of our incredible musicians. Thank you for hosting And a fabulous logo designed by one of our Y8s!


What a brilliant day! We are delighted everyone enjoyed themselves!


If your child is between 4 and 16 and gets benefits-related free school meals they can join one of our many Food and Fun holiday clubs this Easter (from 7 to 17 April) The weekday clubs run fun activities and provide healthy and free food


Year 7 students enjoyed a special film screening of Kensuke's Kingdom, an animated adaptation of Michael Morpurgo's beloved book. This event was part of the Into Film initiative, which aims to inspire and educate young minds through the magic of cinema.


This is brilliant 👏🏿


Year 8 students had a fantastic time visiting Review Bookshop on Bellenden Road to pick up their free books! A wonderful way to celebrate the joy of reading and inspire young minds.

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

Central Office

















Careers Guidance

At Harris Academy Peckham, our comprehensive careers provision is aimed at preparing students for their future careers and life beyond the academy.

We offer a well-structured Careers Information Education Advice and Guidance (CIEAG) programme. This is designed to help students understand various career paths and make informed decisions about their future.

  • Individual, Impartial Support: Each student receives tailored advice and guidance, from our career's advisor, to suit their individual needs. This personalised approach ensures that students can explore careers that align with their interests and strengths.
  • Partnerships with External Agencies: The academy collaborates with external agencies to provide accurate and focused careers information. This helps students gain insights into different industries and career opportunities.
  • Career Workshops and Events: The academy organises various workshops, career fairs, and events where students can interact with professionals from different fields. These events provide practical knowledge and networking opportunities.
  • Gatsby Benchmarks: The careers programme is aligned with the Gatsby Benchmarks, which are a set of standards for good career guidance. This ensures that the provision is of high quality and meets national standards. The Gatsby Benchmarks criteria is outlined below.

Ultimately, the careers provision is designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and experiences they need to succeed in life beyond the academy.

Pupils are prepared well for their next steps in education and given clear impartial advice to support their career choices.” OFSTED 2019

The Senior Careers Leader at Harris Academy Peckham is Ms Rennie who can be contacted on or 0207 703 4417. Our Careers Policy can be downloaded from our Teaching & Learning page.

Our key aim is to ensure that we take an 11-16 approach to our provision of CEG.  Students begin to develop a real understanding, of careers and work-related information that develops their sense of enquiry not only about careers and higher/further education but also an awareness of how the skills developed in school are applicable and integral ingredients in the modern workplace. 

Work at Key Stage 3 prepares students for their options choices as they enter the 14-16 phase of their education. From KS4, CEG is encapsulated in a 14-16 Individual Education Plan for each student and this will act as a guide to focusing students for life after the Academy in terms of career decisions and life planning. Our overarching aims for CEG are to work with external agencies, such as the Careers service in order to:

  • Contribute to strategies for raising achievement, especially by increasing motivation;
  • Provide emphasis on the relevance of numeracy and literacy as fundamental components of everyday employment in the 21st Century.
  • Encourage students to become reflective learners who are self-aware of their strengths, skills and attributes and how these link to career and life planning;
  • Support inclusion, challenge stereotyping and promote equality of opportunity;
  • Encourage participation in continued learning, including higher education;
  • Develop enterprise and employability skills in line with our Science and Enterprise specialism;
  • Reduce drop out from, and course-switching in, education and training and thereby ensuring that the Academy contributes to reducing the numbers of students who are not in education, training or employment;
  • Contribute to the economic prosperity of individuals and communities so that students are prepared for a life of economic wellbeing;
  • Make clear to students how their behaviour, attendance and learning skills are inherently linked to their careers prospects and future prosperity.
  • The main body of the statutory guidance uses the Gatsby 8 Benchmarks with information on how to achieve each one. Schools should work towards achieving them now and meet them by end 2020.  The 8 benchmarks are:

1. A stable careers programme

Every school and college should have an embedded programme of career education and guidance that is known and understood by students, parents, teachers, governors and employers.

  • Every school should have a stable, structured careers programme that has the explicit backing of the senior management team, and has an identified and appropriately trained person responsible for it.
  • The careers programme should be published on the school’s website in a way that enables pupils, parents, teachers and employers to access and understand it.
  • The programme should be regularly evaluated with feedback from pupils, parents, teachers and employers as part of the evaluation process.

2. Learning from career and labour market information

Every student, and their parents, should have access to good quality information about future study options and labour market opportunities. They will need the support of an informed adviser to make best use of available information.

  • By the age of 14, all pupils should have accessed and used information about career paths and the labour market to inform their own decisions on study options.
  • Parents should be encouraged to access and use information about labour markets and future study options to inform their support to their children.


3. Addressing the needs of each student

Students have different career guidance needs at different stages. Opportunities for advice and support need to be tailored to the needs of each student. A school’s careers programme should embed equality and diversity considerations throughout.

  • A school’s careers programme should actively seek to challenge stereotypical thinking and raise aspirations.
  • Schools should keep systematic records of the individual advice given to each pupil, and subsequent agreed decisions.
  • All pupils should have access to these records to support their career development.
  • Schools should collect and maintain accurate data for each pupil on their education, training or employment destinations.


4. Linking curriculum learning to careers

All teachers should link curriculum learning with careers. STEM subject teachers should highlight the relevance of STEM subjects for a wide range of future career paths.

  • By the age of 14, every pupil should have had the opportunity to learn how the different STEM subjects help people to gain entry to, and be more effective workers within, a wide range of careers.


5. Encounters with employers and employees

Every student should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace. This can be through a range of enrichment activities including visiting speakers, mentoring and enterprise schemes.

  • Every year, from the age of 11, pupils should participate in at least one meaningful encounter* with an employer. *A ‘meaningful encounter’ is one in which the student has an opportunity to learn about what work is like or what it takes to be successful in the workplace.

      Examples may include careers talks, careers carousels,   

      careers fairs, mock interviews, CV workshops, mentoring, 

      employer delivered workshops, enterprise competitions


For students

  • Develop an invaluable set of life and employability skills essential for a successful career in the 21st century.
  • Develop an awareness of their individual strengths, weaknesses, skills and aptitudes and how these link to possible careers, future education and training
  • Ensure that they are well briefed on careers and work related learning so they can make informed choices about their future lives.
  • Take responsibility for their own behaviour, attendance, punctuality and attitude to learning in order to support them in becoming Science like and enterprising which acts a key platform for success as an adult in the workplace.

For parents and carers

  • To be fully involved by supporting the Academy in its development of the CEG curriculum.
  • Parents will be informed of the interactive Careers software used by students, and will be asked to encourage learners to continue to access the software outside of the school day.
  • CEG delivery should be supported with home-based discussions, where Parents and carers actively work with students on career planning tasks. 
  • Where possible Parents and carers can work with the Academy though providing local support in the form of guest speakers.

For teachers and tutors

  • Deliver the CEG unit as organized by the teacher in charge of careers, ensuring that they provide timely and purposeful conversations during tutor time to explore career development and career management;
  • Ensure that they support the delivery of the CEG that is relevant to their own subject area’s programmes of study and schemes of work. This will primarily be achieved through the enterprise contracted unit of work which will develop enterprise and employability skills;
  • To act as role models for students in developing the Science like and enterprising attitudes that will act as the foundation stones for motivating students to be lifelong learners.

For heads of department

  • To monitor, evaluate and review the work of the tutors in their subject area in delivering the careers guidance at the appropriate times during the school year.
  • To ensure that appropriate Science links are made where appropriate to facilitate work related learning and employer engagement in the enterprise process;
  • To include development of CEG in subject improvement planning.

Key Stage 3

Key Stage 4

  1. Focused input into careers and option choices in the build up to a 14-16 IEP;
  2. Activities/projects “contracted” to subjects as part of Science, Enterprise and Financial Capability which lend themselves to career exploration.
  3. Use of Career Software to provide clinical feedback on the pathways needed
  1. Working with agencies such mykindapeople, Inspiring the Future and STEM ambassadors
  2. Activities/projects “contracted” to subjects as part of LEAP days
  3. Post-16 choices and advice;
  4. Information, advice and guidance on apprenticeships as alternative routes beyond Further education.
  5. Careers service guidance/input.
  6. Attendance to Federation Careers Day.










For the teacher in charge of careers across the Academy

  • To ensure that the CEG curriculum is planned effectively with clear learning outcomes and progression for all year groups in the Academy, in particular meeting the statutory requirements at KS4;
  • To liaise with the and external agencies such as Careers service in providing effective CEG to targeted students as agreed within the Careers service Service Partnership Agreement;
  • To liaise as required with employers/industry in supporting the Academy in planning Science links and developing careers provision, for example, organizing a Careers convention;
  • To co-ordinate the Aim Higher initiatives in order to raise awareness of further/higher education and to inspire students to think about the next steps in their education.

For the Academy Leadership Team

  • To ensure that there is adequate provision for CEG both through the subject curriculum on offer and PSHE;
  • To be responsible for ensuring that there are clear and tangible links between Science, Enterprise and CEG so that students, teachers and external agencies understand how enterprise and CEG are intrinsically linked.

For the governors

  • To be fully involved in supporting the Academy in its development of highly effective CEG. This could be in the form of governor (employer) support, guest speakers and project delivery so they act as role models and can talk to students.
  • To annually review and agree the CEG policy.

Curriculum organisation

Students will benefit from targeted CEG through a range of assemblies, workshops and 1:1 meetings with the Academy Career Advisor. This provision will effectively target the learning outcomes of the National Framework for Careers Education and Guidance and will be carefully audited to show progression across all Key Stages.

All delivery will maximise the use of the state-of-the-art ICT facilities within the Academy, for example, independent careers research.

Incorporating CEG into schemes of work

Subject areas will deliver aspects of Enterprise and work related learning in their own subject areas.  Heads of department are expected to find avenues for developing an enterprising approach and to embed work related learning. This has clear links to CEG in particular to self-development in exploring areas such as teamwork and research skills.


Tutors will be expected to assess the careers software at key points in the academic year. Tutors will need to ensure that they closely monitor student usage and give careful feedback to students, for example, in CV preparation, application form feedback and so on.

Careers service

The Careers Service Partnership Agreement states the number of days entitlement that the Academy has in accessing specialised and general personal advisor support. An action plan for the use of Careers service support will be agreed with the Schools Team Manager and this will be overseen by the Careers and Science Links Co-ordinator.


Careers information will be readily available for individual students to use. The Careers Area will be held in the Library including UCAS materials, will continue to be developed with the appropriate prospectuses for each academic year. The teacher in charge of careers will ensure that the resources are up-to-date and relevant to the needs of our students (KS3/4).

Monitoring evaluation and review

Monitoring the development of CEG across the Academy is the responsibility of the Academy Leadership Team and will be co-ordinated by the designated Assistant Principal. The Careers Education and Guidance Improvement Plan will be developed and updated on an annual basis and will drive the work of CEG in any one particular year. The Teacher in charge of careers will be accountable for the effective delivery and progress made in steering through the Improvement Plans and ensuring that the vision for CEG at the Academy is achieved. Feedback on the quality of CEG provision will be gathered from a variety of stakeholders including: students and tutors.  Under the terms of our Careers service Partnership Agreement we will also evaluate the success of the activities that were initiated through the Agreement and feed the evaluation into the next year’s Partnership Agreement.

Opportunities for access

A number of events, integrated into the school careers programme, will offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to pupils and/or their parents/carers:





Year 7

  • Assembly programme: focussing on SMSC and the importance of core British Values in the workplace.
  • Unifrog - sign up.
  • LEAP Day - 'product wars' activities to design own product and develop entrepreneurial skills.
  • Assembly programme: Understanding labour market trends.
  • Science Week – STEM and entrepreneurship. External speakers.
  • Career Fair
  • Tutor programme: life after learning – what is money & banking?

Year 8


  • Assembly programme: focussing on SMSC and the importance of core British Values in the workplace.
  • LEAP Day - theme park design activities to develop students' project management skills
  • Assembly programme: why consider university?
  • Science Week – STEM and entrepreneurship. External speakers.
  • Assembly programme: Understanding labour market trends.
  • Careers Fair
  • Apprenticeship assembly.
  • Tutor programme: Life after learning – what is money & banking?



Year 9


  • Kings Scholars Programme
  • Assembly programme: focussing on SMSC and the importance of core British Values in the workplace.
  • Westminster University trip
  • Vodaphone employer Visit
  • Year 9 use of Pathway CTM programme.
  • Understanding curriculum option choices and exploring types of employment. 
  • Assembly programme: speakers from the different careers
  • Guest speaker from pathway CTM on apprenticeship.
  • Science Week – STEM and entrepreneurship.
  • Careers Fair
  • The Advantage Group CV builder
  • Tutor programme: Life after learning – student finance and credit


Year 10


  • Head Start programme.
  • One to one IAG meetings
  • Oxford University trip
  • Girls Network Mentoring




  • London Metropolitan University trip
  • Federation Future Pathways/ Higher Education Evening
  • National Careers Week. Key focus areas:  apprenticeships as an alternative to university.
  • What are apprenticeships, and the entry requirements?
  • The Advantage Group CV builder
  • Group IAG meetings
  • Raising Achievement Evening
  • DWP mock interviews – Job centre
  • Tutor programme: Life after learning – student finance and credit

Year 11


  • Assembly programme: P16 and beyond
  • Raising Achievement Evening
  • One to one IAG meetings
  • P16 Open Evenings
  • Interviewing and destination planning.
  • Teach First work experience
  • One to one IAG meetings with the Federation Careers Advisor.
  • Federation Future Pathways/ Higher Education Evening
  • Raising Achievement Evening
  • Federation Future Pathways/ Higher education Evening



































Further information                                                                                     

Gatsby Good Career Guidance. A report on improving career guidance in secondary schools which includes the Gatsby Benchmarks.

Gatsby Good Practice. A website which shares good practice from the North East pilot of the Gatsby Benchmarks, and other information and support for schools.

Compass. A self-evaluation tool to help schools to evaluate their careers and enterprise provision and benchmark against the Gatsby Benchmarks and compare it with other schools.

State of the Nation 2017. A report on the careers and enterprise provision in secondary schools in England in 2016/17. It examines how schools are performing in relation to the Gatsby Benchmarks, based on data from responses to the Compass tool.

Careers & Enterprise Company. The Careers & Enterprise Company brokers links between employers, schools and colleges in order to ensure that young people aged 12-18 get the inspiration and guidance they need for success in working life.  Careers & Enterprise Company: Schools and Colleges. Connects schools to businesses volunteers and careers activity programmes.

National Careers Service. The National Careers Service provides information, advice and guidance to help people make decisions on learning, training and work opportunities. The service offers confidential and impartial advice. This is supported by qualified careers advisers.

Apprenticeships Support and Knowledge for Schools (ASK). A network of teachers, careers advisers and ambassadors who will promote apprenticeships and traineeships in positive ways to year 10-13 pupils in the North, Midlands, London and the South.

Baker Dearing Educational Trust. Information on University Technical Colleges.

Find an Apprenticeship. Search and apply for an apprenticeship in England.

Career Development Institute. The Career Development Institute is the single UK-wide professional body for everyone working in the fields of careers education, career information, advice and guidance, career coaching, career consultancy and career management. It offers affiliate and individual membership to schools which includes free CPD webinars, regular digital newsletters, a quarterly magazine, online networking groups and training at a preferential rate.

Career Development Institute Framework for careers, employability and enterprise education. A framework of learning outcomes to support the planning, delivery and evaluation of careers, employability and enterprise education for children and young people.

UK Register of Career Development Professionals. The single national point of reference for ensuring and promoting the professional status of career practitioners.

Quality in Careers Standard. The Quality in Careers Standard in the national quality award for careers education, information, advice and guidance.

LMI for All. An online data portal, which connects and standardises existing sources of high quality, reliable labour market information (LMI) with the aim of informing careers decisions. This data is made freely available via an Application Programming Interface (API) for use in websites and applications.

STEM Ambassadors. A nationwide network of over 30,000 volunteers from a wide range of employers, who engage with young people to provide stimulating and inspirational informal learning activities in both school and non-school settings

Studio Schools Trust. The organisation that unites all Studio Schools, acting as a linking point between Studio Schools, enabling the sharing of best practice as well as providing advice and curriculum support.

Unistats. The official website for comparing UK higher education undergraduate course data. The site includes information on university and college courses, Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF) ratings, student satisfaction scores from the National Student Survey, employment outcomes and salaries after study and other key information for prospective students.

Your Daughter’s Future. A careers toolkit for parents.

Your Life app. Informs and inspires young people by giving them the opportunity to discover hundreds of varied career options.

Other relevant departmental advice and statutory guidance

Governance handbook. Guidance outlining the roles and duties of school governors and academy trusts.

Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years. A statutory code which explains the duties of local authorities, health bodies, schools and colleges to provide for those with special educational needs under Part 3 of the Children and Families Act 2014.

Other departmental resources

Careers strategy: making the most of everyone’s skills and talents. Government’s plan for raising the quality of careers provision in England.

Post-16 technical education reforms: T level action plan. Government’s progress on the reforms to technical education set out in ‘Post-16 skills plan’, confirms next steps and opportunities for engagement by interested parties.

Provider Access Policy/Baker clause

This policy statement sets out our arrangements for managing the access of providers to students at the Academy from year 8 through to year 13, for the purpose of giving them information on a wide range of education and training provider’s education both academic and vocational. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.

In line with the Baker clause, our academy gives students access to other FE colleges and training providers from years 8- 13 to discuss non-academic routes that are available; this includes main federation events like Next Steps, where colleges and training providers are encouraged to attend, as well as academy initiatives guided by the careers link and the careers adviser. 

In addition to this, the dedicated Harris Careers Website outlines all of the Post 16 options. Students also have individual and guided access to Unifrog from Year 7 which offers additional impartial information on an ad hoc basis. This outlines all educational routes that they may wish to consider.

Please see below the new requirements in relation to careers during an Ofsted inspection.

Careers information, education, advice and guidance

All secondary schools are expected to provide effective careers information, education, advice and guidance (CIEAG), in line with the statutory ‘Careers guidance and access for education and training providers’, to encourage pupils to make good choices and understand what they need to do to succeed in the careers to which they aspire.

 As part of this, it is important that schools understand and meet the requirements of section 42B of the Education Act 1997 (the ‘Baker clause’), which came into force in January 2018. Both maintained schools and academies are required by law to:

  • provide opportunities for a range of education and training providers to speak to pupils in Years 8 to 13 to inform them about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships
  • publish a policy statement setting out the arrangements the school has in place for pupils to access education and training providers
  • make sure the policy statement is followed so that all pupils in Years 8 to 13 receive information about the full range of education and training options

 In assessing a secondary school’s personal development offer, inspectors will assess the quality of CIEAG and how well it benefits pupils in choosing and deciding on their next steps. This will include looking at:

  • the quality of the unbiased careers advice and guidance provided to pupils
  • the school’s implementation of the provider access arrangements to enable a range of education and training providers to speak to pupils in Years 8 to 13
  • how the school provides good quality, meaningful opportunities for pupils to encounter the world of work
  • the school’s use of the Gatsby Benchmarks
  • the school’s published information about its CIEAG provision (as required by the School Information Regulations) and the school’s statement on its provider access arrangements (as required by section 42B of the Education Act 1997)

 If a school is not meeting the requirements of the Baker Clause, inspectors will state this in the inspection report. They will consider what impact this has on the quality of CIEAG and the subsequent judgement for personal development.

Review date: July 2024.


To view the leavers destinations 2021 please click on the link: 

How to use Unifrog


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