Year 6 Transition
Welcome to the Harris Academy Peckham (HAP) transition section. If you are starting at HAP in September 2025 this section is for you and will be updated during the coming year.
It should help you to find out more about what it is like to be in Year 7 and what to expect.
We are delighted you have accepted a place for your child at HAP. We have shared values that shape every aspect of life at HAP. Our values are LEAP (Leadership, Enquiry, Aspiration and Perseverance). You can learn more than about our values and ethos here.
On this page you will find lots of helpful resources to help you make the transition from primary school to HAP.
Parents, if you have any queries please do email If you use Twitter, please do follow us @PeckhamAcademy
Claudette Bergin, Principal
Start of term dates for Year 7
The first day of term in early September will be announced nearer the time. The first day will run from 8:25am to 2:00pm. Students need to be on-site in full school uniform.
Taster day
We will holding a Taster Day for new Year 7 students inon Wednesday 2 July 2025. The programme for the day will include a range of activities to reflect some of the subjects your son/daughter will study at Harris Academy Peckham.
Students should attend the day in their full primary school uniform and bring a pair of trainers/plimsolls in their bag. The day will start at 9:30am and finish at 2:30pm students should arrive promptly and report to the main reception. Lunch will be provided.
Parent information meeting
On Wednesday 2 July 2025 all parents and carers will also be invited to an information meeting where they will receive a talk by the Principal. On completion of the talk students will be dismissed with Parents and Carers at 2:30pm.
Uniform pop-up shop
On Wednesday 9th July 2025 there will be a pop-up uniform shop on site at Harris Academy Peckham from 4pm to 6pm.
Parents and Carers
Please see our special section for parents and carers, which will hopefully provide you with information about uniform and other useful tips to help you and your son / daughter make a successful transition to HAP.
Click here to go to our page for parents and carers.
Summer reading list
Click here to see your summer reading list [link coming soon].
Watch a video introduction from Ms Bergin
Virtual tour