Students wear our uniform with pride. It is smart but practical, and reflects all of our aspirations for our Academy. The mantra we believe is: "If you look smart, you are smart”.
Harris Academy Peckham uniform can be purchased from Stevensons. Please click here to order uniform online from Stevensons.
You can also purchase uniform items:
- In-store at Stevensons, 50-51 Whitgift Centre, Croydon, CR0 1UG. Download the Stevenson's information sheet including details of their Croydon branch opening times over the summer and how to book an in-store appointment for all new starters to ensure the perfect fit.
- Phone on 0208 734 3954
- Email croydonbranch@stevensons.co.uk
- Download Stevensons sizing guide
You can view and download our uniform policy from the Student Welfare page of our website.
To prevent uniform getting lost, please make sure that each item is named using an iron-on, stick-on or sewn-in label, or by using a permanent naming pen.
Students are expected to be of smart and sensible appearance. Individual fashion statements such as extreme hair styles or colours, designer shirts, trainers and decorated footwear are not permitted.
Tram lines or other shaved shapes in the hair and ‘bar codes’ in eyebrows are not permitted. Extreme hairstyles are not allowed, this includes Mohican haircuts. Tinted or cosmetic contact lenses and decorative dental wear are not permitted. No bandannas, hoods, caps or hats at any time are allowed.
By requiring students to wear the Academy uniform, it is intended to develop their sense of loyalty to the community of which they are members, and to encourage them to take a pride in their appearance. Students are expected to wear full Academy uniform on the way to and from the Academy.
If students are not in full uniform they will not be able to attend lessons. They will work in the referral room, until the correct uniform is brought to them or they will be sent home to change, with parental permission. If a student persistently fails to wear uniform the normal Academy procedure for student support should be followed (see our Behaviour for Learning policy on our Student Welfare page).
No jewellery is allowed except for one wrist watch and one plain gold or silver ear stud in each ear, no bigger than 3mm in diameter. Nose studs and other forms of body piercing are not permitted. No accessories are to be worn around the neck or attached to clothing. Jewellery and other forbidden items will be confiscated and only returned at the end of term after the Academy celebration assembly or picked up by a parent or carer.
Large amounts of money and expensive personal effects should not be brought to the Academy. Harris Academy Peckham will not accept liability for any claim arising from theft, accidental loss or damage to personal effects, money, belongings or clothing whilst on the Academy premises. Money should be kept in purses or wallets. No other money pouches will be acceptable.
Personal stereos, mobile telephones, computer games etc MUST NOT be brought to the Academy. Should parents or guardians need to contact their child, we ask that they call the Academy reception where a message can be delivered to the child.
The Uniform Exchange
We operate a Uniform Exchange at Harris Academy Peckham. Once each term, and once during the Summer Break, the Exchange is set up at the Academy. Dates of forthcoming sales are published on the news section of our website and sent home via text message to parents and carers.
We are able to offer items of second-hand uniform for very low prices. If you have an item that is in a re-usable condition there will be no charge as we will change it for one of a different size, providing we have one in stock.
The ability to provide the Exchange and its success rely completely on donations from parents and carers so please support our community wherever you can by donating items that your child/ward has out-grown.
Year 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 student uniform
Blazer – regulation Harris Academy Peckham, Blue Blazer with logo and trimmings.
Pullover – black V-neck with stripe (optional). No other jumpers, cardigans, sweatshirts or waistcoats are permitted.
Trousers – black, classic style. No jeans, grey, blue, corduroy, jean like material, high fashion trousers (no studs or trimmings) or shorts.
Skirts – black, classic style. Length below the knee and of traditional pleated skirt material. No side slits permitted.
Shirt – plain white school shirt, tucked in and closed/buttoned/fastened at the neck. Any T-shirt or underwear worn underneath should not show or be visible through the shirt.
Tie – correct Faculty colour, in good condition with colour visible in the stripes and worn with a closed knot and at least five stripes showing, giving a sensible length.
Socks – plain black socks.
Shoes – plain black shoes. No trainers, ankle boots, boots or fabric shoes. No trimmings i.e. buckles, labels, tags or decorations. Laces and stitching must be black. Black shoes should be worn on the way to and from the Academy.
Outside coat – plain black or navy blue.
Sports kit
- Blue collared polo shirt with Academy logo
- Black shorts
- Black socks
- Black Academy tracksuit (optional)
- Training shoes
Bags – all students should carry the Academy logo bag on arrival to the Academy each day.
Jewellery – no necklaces or bracelets to be worn.
Earrings – 1 plain gold or 1 plain silver stud per ear. No other piercings are permitted.