Exam Results
Students and staff at Harris Academy Peckham celebrated achieving fantastic GCSE results in 2023-24, when they were announced in August 2024.
Our provisional results for 2023-24 are:
- Progress 8 score 0.33
- 48% achieved a Grade 4 or higher in English and Maths
- 31% achieved Grade 5 or higher in English and Maths
- English Baccalaureate progress score 0.5
- Attainment 8 score 40.83
- Pupil destinations - 79% of students stayed in education or employment after Key Stage 4
- Percentage of students entered for EBacc 59% compared to 39% nationally
Students excelled in a wide range subjects:
- 66% of students achieved a 4+ in English and 50% of students achieved 5+ with 52% of students speaking English as an additional language
- 55% of students achieved a 4+ in Maths and 37% of students achieved 5+
- 4 students gained a ‘super’ Grade 9 in Maths, which is the equivalent of an A**
- 16 students gained Grades 7 or 8 in Maths which are the equivalent of an A and A*
- 4 students gained a ‘super’ Grade 9 in English, which is the equivalent of an A**
- 14 students gained Grades 7 or 8 in English Literature which are the equivalent of an A and A*
- 11 students gained either Grades 7, 8 or 9 in Combined Science which are the equivalent of an A, A* and A**
- Our first triple scientists gained 28 Grades 7, 8 or 9 between them which are equivalent of an A, A* and A**
Students who excelled themselves include:
- Ali Baydoun – 3 grade 9s, 3 grade 8s and 2 grade 7s
- Karen Hakurekwi – 1 Grade 9, 3 Grade 8s and 3 Grade 7s
- Kevin Nguyen – 3 Grade 9s, 1 Grade 8, 3 Grade 7s and 2 Grade 6s
- David Jonah – 2 Grade 9s, 3 Grade 8s, 3 Grade 7s, 1 Grade 6
- Abir Muhamed – 2 Grade 9s and 3 Grade 8s
“I want to congratulate our amazing students on their fantastic results today," said Claudette Bergin, Principal of Harris Academy Peckham.
"They should all be extremely proud of what they have achieved. As well as strong results across a breadth of subjects, it is particularly pleasing to see so many students excel and achieve the top grades of 8s and 9s.
“I want to thank our talented staff and our dedicated parents for their support. I believe that our students will thrive from these results and have demonstrated that they can make phenomenal progress over time. This will enable them to LEAP to the next stage of their lives.”
To view the performance of the Academy, please see the Department for Education (DfE) web site at https://www.compare-school-performance.service.gov.uk/school/134225/harris-academy-peckham.
2022-23 results
Our overall results from 2022-23 were
- Progress 8 score 0.15
- 57% achieved a Grade 4 or higher in English and Maths
- 38% achieved Grade 5 or higher in English and Maths
- 46% achieved the prestigious and demanding EBacc, which is much higher than National Average.
- English Baccalaureate average point score 0.58
- Attainment 8 score 41.3
- Pupil destinations - 79% of students stayed in education or employment after Key Stage 4
- Percentage of students entered for EBacc 74%