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Posted on October 5th 2020
Phenomenal Women at HAP - A Poem by Mandeeq, Year 8
Last week Miss Howell’s shared a very powerful poem called The Rush of Wind, inspired by black history.
Following this, Mandeeq in Year 8 has created a poem for us inspired by Maya Angelou’s poem Phenomenal Women, written in the 1970s to challenge gender stereotypes associated with black women.
Even though God created us,
Our genders are toxic.
Yet we don’t need to worry,
Because that is not it.
Toxic masculinity overcome by equality.
We all can do this phenomenally.
The inches of my hair.
The inches of my nails.
This judgement is too much, so should I just bail?
It’s not “she” but “we”,
Men can see me differently.
We are the honey bees,
Roaming from trees to seas.
By Mandeeq, Year 8