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Posted on March 19th 2015
Year 8 BBC Visit
On Thursday 19 March 10 Year 8 students visited the BBC. We were first taken up to a BBC show room where students were shown how to make computer games and digital media. The BBC’s digital code designer spoke to the students about the computer science industry, employability routes and ran a workshop with them about how to make and edit an app. Students then met the team from BBC Africa, presenter Sophie Ikenye and producer Stephane Mayoux; they discussed the project behind focus on Africa, stereotypes about Africa that the programme aimed to address and how they aimed to ensure it appealed to a broad audience. The students then went on to show their own news reports to the BBC team which was well received.
Following this the students were taken down to the news room to see the team working on BBC news 24, after this they were taken to watch focus on Africa show being made live in the recording studio. They had the task of identifying the different responsibilities being held throughout the production as well as identifying how many stories and countries were being covered over 30 minutes. Alongside this they gained a good idea of the professionalism, pressure and skill required when preparing a live news report. Following the live show students got to tour the sight and see the newsroom itself followed by a feedback session on the show given by our students to the focus on Africa team alongside as the show’s guest, Radio 1 Extra DJ Twin B (who the student asked to sign their planners!)