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Posted on March 17th 2017
Year 7 Visit to the Horniman Museum and Gardens
To celebrate National Science Week at Harris Academy Peckham, the Science department took all Year 7 students to the Horniman Museum and Gardens.
Students had the opportunity to explore Fredrick John Horniman’s wide collections of anthropology and the natural history, the aquarium, robot zoo as well as the acclaimed gardens and architecture. They took part in several activities that was self-lead by students and teachers. They had the experience to see most of the collections up-close and face-to-face, and picked up, try on and played with some of the objects.
Student Highlights included:
“Robot Zoo was amazing as I used different controls to operate a creature” – Briana
“Great to play and interact with my friends that I don’t normally see outside the school time”- Kymemi
“I was fascinated to see all the stuffed animals on display, they almost looked real”- Yeray
“ I love tropical fishes” – Anisa