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Posted on February 23rd 2016
Year 12 Physics Cambridge visit.
On Tuesday 23 February Year 12 Physics students visited Cambridge university. The day was split into 2 halves. The morning session was focused on what life is like at university while the afternoon session was held in the world renowned Cavendish laboratory where the students conducted some experiments in the same laboratory that Rutherford discovered the atom and Watson and Crick discovered the structure of DNA.
The day started with ice breakers and a quiz where our students performed confidently answering the majority of the questions that were asked. The organiser remarked on how well spoken and confident our students were.
After this, there was a lecture on what life is like at university with a specific focus on Cambridge which inspired the students. This was followed by a question and answer session with some Cambridge graduates which answered our students questions about university and careers in science. This was followed by a tour of Pembroke college.
The afternoon session was hands on practical physics. Our students worked in groups conducting undergraduate physics experiments and calculated the value of gravity to an incredible accuracy of 0.1m/s/s. Then students worked on complex mechanics problems with the help of the Cambridge professors. Finally there was an amazing mechanics lecture by the professor of Physics at Cambridge which the students loved! Ramon commented that he know looks at Maths and Physics a "whole different way" after the lecture!
Mr R Rahim
Science Teacher