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It was wonderful to welcome author Frida Rivero to Harris Academy Peckham. Her insights inspired us all.


It was wonderful to welcome author Frida Rivero to Harris Academy Peckham. Her insights and stories inspired us all.


If your child is between 4 and 16 and gets benefits-related free school meals they can join one of our many Food and Fun holiday clubs this Easter (from 7 to 17 April) The weekday clubs run fun activities and provide healthy and free food


Our Year 8 students were thrilled to take part in an exciting UK Space Agency workshop, on space exploration and the wonders of the universe, hosted by Harris Academy Peckham


Exciting news! Our Principal and 4 of our students were featured on Sky News, engaging in a thoughtful discussion on whether mobile phones should be banned in schools


Exciting news! Our Principal and 4 of our students were featured on Sky News, engaging in a thoughtful discussion on whether mobile phones be banned in schools


We're heading to the South London Jobs Fair this Wednesday! If you're looking for your next opportunity in education, come and meet the Harris Federation team, we'd love to chat about the roles available across our academies.#HarrisFederation


A huge thank you to the incredible companies from healthcare, construction, architecture, insurance and beyond that joined us for our Careers Fair.


What a fantastic turnout at our careers fair! Your insights and opportunities inspired so many future professionals!


Brilliant photos! It was a pleasure to have you.


Thank you so much!


We are recruiting for an experienced Administrator to join our regional ITE team! If you are an administration expert with an interest in teaching, we want to hear from you. ⌚ 26 March 2025 📍 Within commuting distance of our campus in Peckham, London. 💰 £33,291 per annum,…


Year 5 students from visited the HAP library for a fun-filled World Book Day celebration, featuring a challenging treasure hunt, a book raffle, and delicious snacks. A huge thank you to our student librarians who participated in making it such a success!


🚀 We were thrilled to welcome the UK Space Agency to Harris Academy Peckham! 🌌 Students had an out-of-this-world experience, learning about space exploration and the wonders of the universe. ✨


🚨 New Opportunity! Harris Institute is launching a Level 5 Specialist Teaching Assistant Apprenticeship! 🎯 Open to experienced TAs in primary & secondary academies. Starts July 2025. Fully funded (£12K) + HLTA accreditation! 👉 Register here:


Our children had the best time! Thank you all for making Science exciting.


Year 4 & 5 students from local primary schools are zooming into Harris Academy Peckham for a thrilling STEM go-karting activity as part of British Science Week!


Absolutely amazing that our Jazz Band, Take 5, came 2nd in the Battle of the Bands competition. Phenomenal ensemble playing and solos from all of our incredible musicians. Thank you for hosting And a fabulous logo designed by one of our Y8s!


What a brilliant day! We are delighted everyone enjoyed themselves!


If your child is between 4 and 16 and gets benefits-related free school meals they can join one of our many Food and Fun holiday clubs this Easter (from 7 to 17 April) The weekday clubs run fun activities and provide healthy and free food

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

Central Office

















Equalities & Additional Intervention

The Harris Federation is pleased to publish an annual single equality plan. In developing this plan, we have been able to identify and record the progress we have made towards achieving equality and tackling discrimination in order to come to a better understanding of the challenges still to be addressed.

We will ensure that this single equality plan is effectively implemented and scrutinised so that we meet the obligations placed upon us by the equality duty. Promoting the priorities identified within our single equity plan will be a continuous process. It will be taken in partnership with the Federation community. 

The three aims of the general equality duty are as follows.

To eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation, by tackling prejudice and promoting understanding.

To advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not by:

  • Removing or minimising disadvantage suffered by people due to their protected characteristic.
  • Take steps to meet the needs of people with certain protected characteristics where these are different to the needs of other people, including taking steps to take account of disabled people’s disabilities.
  • Encourage people with certain protected characteristics to participate in public life or in other activities where their proportion is disproportionately low.

Foster good relationships between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

Compliance with the general equality duty may involve treating some people more favorably than others.  The nine protected characteristics are as follows: age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.  

The governors and staff of the Harris Federation understand that compliance with the general equality duty is a legal obligation that will better inform decision making and policy development. They further recognise that achieving the three aims stated will ensure the Harris Federation is able to successfully meet the needs of our diverse population of students, draw on the talents of a diverse local community to ensure our staff and governors better represent the wider community that we serve.

The Harris Federation has considered how well we currently achieve the aims of this duty with regard to the protected equality groups. Using information that we have gathered we have decided upon our equality objectives. Our plans to meet these objectives will be monitored annually.

In compiling equality information we have:

  • reviewed the Academy’s equality data, policies and practice and identified any gaps
  • examined how our Academy engages with the protected groups, identifying where practice can be improved.

The outcomes are published within our Single Equality Plan, which has been agreed by our Governing Body. In line with legislative requirements we will review progress against our plan annually and review the entire plan and accompanying action plan on a four year cycle.

The roles and responsibilities related to the plan are outlined below.


  • A named Governor will take the lead.
  • The Governors as a whole are responsible for:
  • Making sure the school complies with the relevant equality legislation.
  • Monitoring progress towards the equality objectives and reporting annually.

The Principal will:

  • Implement the Academy’s stated equality objectives and ensure that access plans are written, and that they are readily available to governors, staff, pupils and parents.
  • Ensure all staff know their responsibilities and receive training and support in carrying these out.
  • Take appropriate action in cases of harassment and discrimination, including prejudice related incidents.
  • Enable reasonable adjustments to be made in relation to disability in regard to students, staff, parents/carers and visitors to the academy.

All staff within the Academy will:

  • Advance equality in their work.
  • Foster good relationships between groups and tackle any prejudice related incidents.
  • Be able to recognise and tackle bias and stereotyping.
  • Take up training and learning opportunities.

All Students in the Academy will:

  • Follow the relevant policies and procedures.
  • Engage with the PHSEE curriculum in relation to improving equality.
  • Report any incidents of bullying, harassment or prejudice related incidents (visitors and contractors are also responsible for following relevant Academy policies).

Free School Meals


The Academy writes to all parent/carers whose children are entitled to free school meals. We also assure parents that all matters regarding use of this fund are treated with discretion and in confidence. 

Online Free School Meals (OFSM)

OFSM provides an online platform for applying for free school meals. Academies with the consent of parents or guardians may apply via an online form with a decision on eFSM status being returned almost instantly.

If you are unable to use the online system, please contact Ms Gordon by telephone 0207 703 4417 or via email


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