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Posted on July 13th 2015
Mathematics Problem Solving competition
On Friday 10 July the annual Mathematics Problem Solving competition took place at City of London Academy (COLA). Jenny Hoang, Giovanni Gesugrande, Yu Xuan (Alex) He, and Joseph Sowole represented the Academy against Bacon’s College, Kingsdale and two other teams at COLA. The day was split into 4 rounds, all of which were testing their skills in problem solving in light of the new curriculum.
The Harris Peckham team won 3 out of the 4 rounds allowing them to win the competition overall by 5 points! They worked incredibly well together as a team and did not lose focus once. All of the teachers at the other schools commented on their determination and energy throughout the day even towards the end when other teams were tiring. They have been awarded with individual medals and the Academy has been given a framed certificate for display. The Mathematics Department are very proud of them and they most definitely deserved the win.
Ms P Patel